Quote meast wrote:thats called being a bandwagon/fairweather supporter.
if people aren't interested or willing to watch ( i wont use the term support) that has poor spells on the field and in general then i suggest they stop calling themselves supporters.
we as a club have battled against these kind of people for years, im sure they would be rather support a team that wins regularly, im sure we will see a few "giants fans" defecting soon if thats the case.
im sorry but as you and i,and others on here are well aware due to being there in the bad times,you support your club through thick and thin,good and bad, true,loyal supporters dont stay at home and watch on tv because the team lost the week before
So you would be happy if we have 5000 who come to games as long as they were all "proper" supporters.
Personnally i would settle with 10,000 glory hunters and bandwaggonners and i am sure that Ken Day and Richard Thewlis would as well.
Stop being so precious about wearing campaign medals about how we were around in the dark days. The club needs money through the door now, whether that is casual supporters or diehards matters not one iota.
Im not sure ken and thewlis would be happy with Casual support - they want / need folk to give their money at the start of the season and every season so they can plan the team finances and know how much they can spend on recruitment, players arent given one year contracts the club need to know the money will be there to pay 3,4,5 yr contracts. Compare those fickle giants fans who stay away when we lose to those Wigan fans who turned up in numbers to support their team when threatened with relegation- yes we know they cheated but I reckon those fans had a big influence over the team staying in sl. If the tables were turned we'd be lucky to get 2000 turn up, and twisting the rules would not help us stay up.