Barrow -v- Newcastle = 1,033
Doncaster -v- York City Knights = 946
Hunslet -v- Keighley = 707
North Wales -v- Rochdale = 643
UoG All Golds -v- Coventry = 248
Hemel -v- London = 185
ORL -v- South Wales = 152
Total = 3,914 that's a ave of 559 a match
Sofar this season 2016
Total Matches (21) 13,867 that's a ave of 660
1, Toulouse (02) total 4668 ave = 2,334
2, Barrow (02) total 2,036 ave = 1,018
3, Newcastle (01) total 926 ave = 926
4, Keighley (01) total 791 ave = 791
5, Doncaster (02) total 1,484 ave = 742
6, Hunslet (01) total 707 ave = 707
7, Rochdale (01) total 610 ave = 610
8, North Wales (02) total 1,186 ave = 593
9, York City Knights (01) total 554 ave = 554
10, Coventry (01) total 250 ave = 250
11, UoG All Golds (02) total 408 ave = 204
12, South Wales (01) total 210 ave = 210
13, Hemel (01) total 185 ave = 185
14, ORL (02) total 364 ave = 182
15, London (01) total 180 ave = 180