Oldham -v- Barrow = 714
Rochdale -v- Keighley = 617
Newcasle Thunder -v- Coventry = 503
York City Kinghts -v- Hemel Stage = 384
Swinton -v- UoG All Golds = 368
South Wales -v- ORL = 148 (15 ORL Fans)
Total = 2,734 that a ave of 455 a match
Sofar this season 2015
Total Matches (130) 69,949 that's a ave of 538
1, Keighley (10) total 11,677 ave = 1,167
2, Newcasle Thunder (10) total 9,427 ave = 942
3, Barrow (10) = toatal 9,366 ave = 936
4, North Wales (10) = toatal 6,484 ave = 648
5, Rochdale (10) total 6,011 ave = 601
6. Oldham (10) = toatal 5,386 ave = 538
7, Swinton (09) total 4,429 ave = 492
8, Coventry (0icon_cool.gif total 3,896 ave = 487
9. York City Kinghts (10) = toatal 4,550 ave = 455
10. ORL (10) = toatal 3,220 ave = 322
11, South Wales (10) = toatal 3,072 ave = 307
12, London Skolares (09) total 2,447 ave = 271
13, UoG All Golds (10) total 2,260 ave = 226
14, Hemel Stage (10) = toatal 1,958 ave = 195