Rochdale -v- ORL = 652 (30 ORL fans
Swinton -v- Keighley = 591
North Wales -v- Hemel Stage = 593
Oldham -v- Newcasle Thunder = 491
London Skolares -v- Barrow = 311
Gloucestershire All Golds -v- Coventry = 308
Total = 2,766 that a ave of 461 a match
Sofar this season 2015
Total Matches (45) 27,815 thats a ave of 618
1, Keighley (03) total 5,980 ave = 1,993
2, Barrow (03) = toatal 2,817 ave = 939
3, Newcasle Thunder (03) total 2,693 ave = 897
4, Rochdale (05) total 3,805 ave = 761
5, North Wales (03) = toatal 1,904 ave = 634
6, Coventry (03) total 1,669 ave = 556
7, South Wales (03) = toatal 1,624 ave = 541
8, Swinton (03) total 1,586 ave = 532
9, York City Kinghts (01) = toatal 498 ave = 498
10, Oldham (04) = toatal 1,602 ave = 400
11, London Skolares (03) total 929 ave = 309
12, Gloucestershire All Golds (05) total 1,421 ave = 284
13, ORL (03) = toatal 783 ave = 261
14, Hemel Stage (03) = toatal 589 ave = 196