County Championship Rugby League for the Martin Roddy MBE Trophy
=#008000[size=200Devon [/sizevs
Wednesday 29th August
Admission £3, kids free
KO 7.30pm
Bitton Park Sport Ground, Bitton Park Road, Teignmouth, TQ14 9DQ
Map and Directions here: [url[/url
Please come along and support the third staging of this annual county clash, held in the seaside town of Teignmouth, to celebrate the CENTENARY of the Torquay Northern Union club.
=#FF0000Please spread the word to friends and family who may be in Devon for the August Bank Holiday Week.
There is a Facebook Event here: [url[/url
If you want to support SWRL, but can't make the game, you can buy various items of merchandise as follows:
Cornwall RL Stash: [url[/url
Devon RL Stash: [url[/url
Cornwall RL Shirts: [url[/url
Exeter Centurions RL Stash: [url[/url
North Devon Raiders RL Stash: [url[/url
Swindon St George RL Stash: [url[/url