The agenda for our planning application runs to 240 pages... ... 202021.pdf
My attention has been drawn to the below comments on page 20, which appear to be written by a Trinity fan but I am somewhat sceptical to say the least .....
- The ground we have is big enough, we haven't reached capacity in years and
it would cost the club to build a bigger ground when we can't even fill the small
one we have now. Plus our ground is few left of the classic grounds that we
saw decades ago, and it would be a real shame to see that charm go.
- The stand has so much history. Wakefield must keep it.
- The Secretary of State placed a unilateral agreement that the people of
Wakefield would get a community stadium run by an independent trust as a
result of the removal of land in Newmarket. A club would be tenant. Has the
Secretary of State removed this necessity?
- This is a private development. Where will the benefits to the people of
Wakefield be? How will they be assured?
- The people of Wakefield have been robbed of green belt land and a
community asset, i.e. a stadium
However the summary that the councillors actually get to read is on pages 50 and 51...
Overall summary conclusion and recommendation
This planning application proposes the redevelopment of the existing sports stadium
at Belle Vue, an aging and sub-standard stadium facility which both hosts Wakefield
Trinity R.L.F.C and provides the primary facility used by Wakefield Trinity Community
Foundation for their community activities. The proposed redevelopment scheme
includes the replacement of the existing east stand with an all-seater new roofed
stand, bringing the seated capacity of the stadium up to Super League standards,
and the delivery of significantly improved stadium facilities in terms of access,
external concourse, car parking, internal hospitality, conference, studio, gym and
associated facilities, together with the laying of a new 4G pitch, upgraded
floodlighting, a new score board, refurbishment of the facilities block and remedial
works to the north stand to return it to full capacity.
The works will result in a significant improvement to the stadium both in terms of its
external appearance, the professional standard of the sporting facilities and the
capability of the site to accommodate community group sporting and related health
improvement activities. Although the development will result in an increase in the
overall capacity of the stadium, the stadium capacity will remain below historically
established levels. Furthermore, it is considered that the applicant has proposed a
range of measures which will effectively mitigate any adverse impacts associated
with the development and the expected intensification of stadium use including
access improvements, landscaping, construction of noise barriers, new external
lighting and control of external events and sound amplification equipment.
The development will regrettably result in the loss of a mature TPO sycamore tree
and will result in the east stand having a more overbearing impact on residents to the
east. However, it is considered that the overall visual and amenity impact of the
Page 46 of 240
Agenda Page 50
development will be beneficial in terms of formalising and enhancing the external
environment and landscaping and significantly improving the visual quality of the
stadium. Additionally, compensatory tree planting is proposed along with bat and bird
boxes and, subject to mitigation, it is not considered that the development will result
in any significant adverse ecological impacts.
All other potential environmental effects of the development, as assessed within the
report above, are considered to have been adequately mitigated and to pass the
relevant policy tests.
[uOverall, it is therefore considered that the proposed
development will result in very substantial community benefits and that the residual
environmental impacts of the revised scheme are acceptable and approval of
planning permission, subject to the Planning Obligations and Planning Conditions set
out below, is consequently recommended. [/u
Finally, should Members resolve to approve this application, it is recommended that
the following be delegated to the Chair & Vice Chair of the Council’s Planning &
Highways Committee and the Council’s Service Director for Planning, Transportation
& Highways:
- the final wording of section 106 legal agreement; and the final wording of the planning conditions