I am the author of the novels One Winter, One Spring, One Summer, One Autumn, Two Seasons and Three Good Years. This coming Saturday morning (February 23rd) I will be outside WH Smith behind a table in the Airedale Shopping Centre from 10 a.m. signing copies of my latest novel.
"Three Good Years" has a background of work, family life, saving the NHS and Rugby League all set between 2006 and 2008.
I will also have copies of the Garfield Owen biography with me along with a couple of other Rugby League books with a Keighley connection.
Most of my books are available in WH Smith or from the publisher London League Publications. Visit
www.llpshop.co.uk. Click on Books and then on fiction for mine
For anyone travelling up to Whitehaven on Sunday on the coach, reading Three Good Years would be an excellent way to pass the time.