From the club.
Four members of the Subway Freddie Gang have been rewarded for all their hard work over last season and recent months.
Volunteers Ben Stead, George Nixon, Tom Steel and Jordan Aitchison have helped at the successful Street Academies, refereed tournaments, volunteered at community activities and helped at in town promotions.
All four of the volunteers are 6th form students with a passion for rugby league.
The four volunteers were rewarded in different ways such as one to one coaching with our professional players and sports development staff and by having the opportunity to use video analysis on their skills work which will go towards their A-Levels as they are all 6th form students.
The subway Freddie Gang gives young people the chance to gain great skills through volunteering such as team work, co-operation, organisation and communication.
Dean Muir Foundation Manager said ‘The Foundation has gone from strength in the last twelve months and with all the community work delivered by the Foundation we rely heavily on volunteer support and its thanks to people like these four young people and many others who are not here today that we can provide activities for the community.’
If anyone is interested on joining the Subway Freddie Gang then please contact Dean Muir on 01535 606044 or