Quote ="PONNER"Totally agree! I've been saying it for years that our sport is the greatest team game to watch. How the hell football is so popular is beyond me, played by overpaid fairies diving all over the place with not a finger laid on the really does annoy me. It's basically ballet dancing with a football. I'd find any level of rugby league (even under 9's) more exciting that any level of football, even a so called 'top game'. I remember an English footballer(think he was called Butcher) some years ago playing for England who had his head bandaged up and the next day the media had pictures all over the front cover of the papers claiming him to be some kind of warrior as if he'd been to war. This happens most weeks in Rugby League yet it's never mentioned. The product on the pitch (football) is crap yet it's glamourised by the media and people buy into it. Give Rugby League the same amount of publicity and it would soon be up there competing with football figures. Until the media start plastering RL all over the papers like footy, we'll always be a minority sport. As Martin Sadler said the other night at the forum, we are good at promoting our game internally(to the converted) but too shy to do it externally to the nation.'"
Have you seen the advert on TV for Head and shoulders where the poor footballer can't play cos he's got dandruff. Just about sums footballers up for me.