On July 20th I shall be taking part in the Leeds 10k in a wheelchair, raising funds for the Bulls' wheelchair rugby team, Macmillan Cancer Support and Sue Ryder Hospices. The guys over at Provident's "Supporting the Bulls Supporters" have donated a selection of Bulls items for me to auction off, which I'll be doing on Facebook over the coming weeks. This week you have the opportunity to win a signed ball.
As I write this, the winning bid is just £20 so why not take the opportunity to get yourself some Bulls' memorabilia while helping out some great causes.
[size=200[url=https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10152939150040410&set=gm.790314447668312&type=1&theaterClick here for the link to the auction page.[/size[/url
The auction is being run on the [url=https://www.facebook.com/groups/BradfordBullsBanter/"Bradford Bulls Banter"[/url group so if the above link gives you an error, make sure you've signed up to that group.
If you'd like to know more about the 10k event then you can read about it at [urlhttps://www.facebook.com/Wheelchair10k[/url
Moderator note - I asked Bullseye for permission before posting this here. Blame him if I've broken something in the AUP or started an arguement