Hey... remember there was a cup competition this year??? Me neither
Anyway, I've dusted off the score sheets and here was the last rounds results...
Round Two
andy capp - 0 vs pulsator2k7 - 9 vs dddooommm - 5
(pulsator2k7 wins)
Bendy bulls - 9 vs DannytheEagle - 5 vs Bullnorthern - 5
(Bendy bulls wins)
tikkabulls - 8 vs rambull1967 - 5 vs Salfordlad - 12
(Salfordlad wins)
paulwalker71 - 5 vs Bull Mania - 5 vs jackmac452 - 5
(jackmac wins on tie break)
bullinenemyland - 8 vs tigertot - 5
(bullinenemyland wins)
Duckman - 5 vs Bullseye - 13
(Bullseye wins)
roger daly - 5 vs jayb - 0
(roger daly wins)
Hugh Mann - 20 vs Broad Ings Warrior - 9
(Hugh Mann wins)
The winners go through through to the Quarter Finals (this weeks fixtures)!!!