It's surprisingly difficult to give to multiple charities via sites like Just Giving. Just Giving only allow a single charity, Virgin needs the charities to sign up which neither the wheelchair rugby team or the foundation have done etc. Most of them charge the charity to sign up and since I'm not going to earn the kings ransom doing this, it was barely worth their while.
Having worked my way around most of them I eventually decided to just set up a PayPal account and then manually divvie up the donations at the end. The added advantage is that I can then show that to some of my bigger clients (I work with a lot of blue chips like Capita and Telefonica) and try to get them to match some/all of the donations.
If you'd like to make a donation (and I'd be really grateful to anyone who did) there's a donate button on the left hand side of this page . Unfortunately Facebook recently made some changes and it now only shows up if you're on a computer, not a mobile device. Alternatively you can just send it to but please send me a PM as I don't get notifications if you do it that way.