Barrow -v- Hemel Stage = 945
Oldham -v- Keighley = 888
Newcasle Thunder -v- Swinton = 514
Coventry -v- York City Kinghts = 446
North Wales -v- UoG All Golds = 420
Rochdale -v- South Wales = 300
London Skolares -v- ORL = 150 (25 ORL Fans
Total = 3,663 that a ave of 523 a match
Sofar this season 2015
Total Matches (109) 60,133 thats a ave of 551
1, Keighley (09) total 10,774 ave = 1,197
2, Newcasle Thunder (0icon_cool.gif total 7,921 ave = 990
3, Barrow (09) = toatal 8,518 ave = 946
4, North Wales (09) = toatal 5,747 ave = 638
5, Rochdale (0icon_cool.gif total 4,815 ave = 601
6, Swinton (07) total 3,660 ave = 522
7, Oldham (09) = toatal 4,672 ave = 519
8, Coventry (07) total 3,461 ave = 494
9. York City Kinghts (07) = toatal 2,845 ave = 406
10, ORL (09) = toatal 2,985 ave = 400
11, South Wales (0icon_cool.gif = toatal 2,700 ave = 337
12, London Skolares (0icon_cool.gif total 2,224 ave = 278
13, UoG All Golds (09) total 2,082 ave = 231
14, Hemel Stage (0icon_cool.gif = toatal 1,678 ave = 209