Keighley -v- South Wales = 671
North Wales -v- Rochdale = 611
Coventry -v- Swinton = 454
Newcasle Thunder -v- UoG All Golds = 452
Oldham -v- ORL = 433 (27 ORL Fans)
York City Kinghts -v- London Skolares = 401
Hemel Stage -v- Barrow = 192
Total = 3,214 that a ave of 459 a match
Sofar this season 2015
Total Matches (67) 39,490 thats a ave of 589
1, Keighley (05) total 7,582 ave = 1,516
2, Newcasle Thunder (05) total 5,702 ave = 1,140
3, Barrow (04) = toatal 3,958 ave = 989
4, Rochdale (05) total 3,805 ave = 761
5, North Wales (05) = toatal 2,947 ave = 589
6, Swinton (04) total 2,041 ave = 510
7, Coventry (05) total 2,548 ave = 509
8, Oldham (06) = toatal 2.706 ave = 451
9, South Wales (04) = toatal 1,796 ave = 449
10, York City Kinghts (04) = toatal 1.531 ave = 382
11, London Skolares (04) total 1,129 ave = 282
12, ORL (05) = toatal 1,321 ave = 264
13, UoG All Golds (06) total 1,574 ave = 262
14, Hemel Stage (05) = toatal 935 ave = 187