Quote ="BESTY"Go for it.'"
'In the UK I have heard a lot of people yelling for peace, racial harmony, respect etc etc but I have not heard of anyone doing anything about it with a plan ,So, here's my plan and I invite eveyone to find a flaw within it and add to it, its just an old mans thoughts.'
Day 1) 'The UK will apologize to the world for our 'interference' in their affairs, past & present. You know, Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Tojo, Noriega, Milosevic, Hussein, Taliban and the rest of those 'good 'old' boys',
promising we will never 'interfere' again.
Day 2) We will withdraw our troops from all non UK territories all over the world instantly.
Starting with Germany , South Korea , the Middle East , Philippines, Iraq and Afghanistan They don't want us there so best we bring our boys back home.
Then we would station these troops in Garrisons all along our coast .
No more sneaking through holes in the fence or channel tunnel etc. also all of those caught trying to do so would be treated extremely harshly, harsh yes but what a deterrent to those who use these means to infiltrate our system and country, I promise you these issues would stop overnight.
Day 3) All illegal aliens have 7 days to get their affairs together and leave along with their family and friends and We'll give them a free trip home to where ever they choose, look at this as the British taxpayers last free meal to them.
After 90 days the remainder will be gathered up en masse by the troops and dealt with immediately, regardless of whom or where they are. They're illegal , they had been warned and should not be here and were given due warning, also anyone found hiding them or knowing of them will be treated as an illegal also.
With this plan you watch the ferry ports fill up overnight!!! Like rats leaving a ship at port it will be!!!
Or better still we stop the trains through the Chunnel for one night and give them 12 hours to make their way through ….. France will welcome them im sure NOT!!!.
Day 4) All future visitors regardless of where they are from will be thoroughly checked and limited to a 30 day visa unless given a special permit for special reasons, IE sportsmen , specialists , medical folk etc etc!!!!
Allies of the UK would be governed under different rules specific to that country and their standing on the ladder of friendliness.
No one from a terrorist attached nation will be allowed in what so ever, not even their governments as diplomatic immunity will become a thing of the past.
If they don't like it there in their own countries then they should try to change it themselves from within as we had to do in our distant past and not come to hide here.
Asylum would never be available to anyone EVER. We don't need any more cab drivers, car wash attendants or corner shop cashiers.
Day 5) No foreign 'students' over age 21. If they don't attend classes and have not got a sick note, they get an instant fail and it's back home baby just as soon as you are caught.
Day 6) The UK will make a strong effort to become self-sufficient again energy wise. This will include developing non-polluting sources of energy but will till that point require a lot more drilling of oil in the North sea and Scotland . The seals and rare butterflies will have to cope for a while!
All of our unemployed can be put to work by the government on local farms , rural businesses to help the struggling farmers feed the country and actually earn their money for once in many of their lives. Children leaving school will ALL be given an apprentice opportunity sponsored by the government so All of our children have the chance to be somebody and start a family, anyone on completion of these apprentice schemes will be given a goverment deposit to get on the property ladder repayable over lifetime terms , the children and youth of the uk is our future so lets start to recognise they have everything to offer.
Day 7) Offer Saudi Arabia and other oil producing countries £8 a barrel for their oil. If they don't like it,then we go someplace else and They can also go somewhere else to sell their production.
(After About a week of the wells filling up the storage sites would be enough to make them start bleating and offering us a deal!! And if the USA followed suit we could get it down to £5 a barrel.) in the meantime we would buy the extra we cannot internally produce direct from the USA.
If there is a famine or other natural catastrophe in the world, we will not 'interfere and are not interested
' They can pray to Allah or whomever, for seeds, rain, cement, medicine or whatever they need.
Besides most of what we give them is stolen or given to the rich or thieved by some scrote in a mansion anyway.
The poor people who need it most get very little, if anything but that is not our concern any more.
Harsh but charity starts here in the UK with our own homeless souls, single mums, disabled , veterans etc etc
Day 9) Ship the UN office in London to someplace else
. We don't need the spies and fair weather friends who work in it or those whom use it for diplomatic immunity. Besides, the building in London would make a good homeless shelter or lockup for illegal aliens.
Day 10, All British children to once again be taught OUR history and the things that made Britain what it is in the Language we speak which is ENGLISH..learn it...or LEAVE... however all children would also be forced to learn at least two other languages so they better understand those whom live amongst us be it Erdu or Polish or what ever is deemed most spoken other than English , most German kids can speak three languages so why have we stopped learning??
And all taught by teachers that are in control of their classes again, not out of fear but out of respect..
Day 11, Step up work on the interior of the UK.
Hoodies are banned other than for sports.
Shell suits are banned other than for sports .
Children who do not go to school until they are 18 years old .
All children MUST wear a uniform to school be they from Bransholme or Beverley.
Any families / children considered anti social will have their parents continually fined until they deal with it, and they will.
All Police will be re trained to go Hands ON with scroats and trouble makers not shy away in fear of suspension.
Teachers will be re trained to be the boss not the patsy in class.
Capital punishment will be reinstated and we will live in a society where murderers will not have a playstation but the end of a rope in public even maybe pay to view on TV, and that includes anyone who makes or sells drugs as this is the single most devilish item available in the world today and the devil stalking our kids.
the odd mistake in executions over 50 years will not balance the evil gary glitters of this world and those who murder old folk & children so we will accept the odd mistake but get rid of hundreds of those that we have to look after day in day out in prison with our taxes here in the UK and would anyone of the normal folk really care
( I do not include the limp wrested do gooders and tree huggers) !!
We need to eradicate the current “ gotta blame someone attitude here in the UK and this is the beginning, we need to go back to what Churchill wanted, a country that is self sufficient , where old folk can walk the streets at night and not be frightened and where young boys can play in Liverpool without getting shot for the control of drug areas!!
Children will again be allowed to play sports in the streets and grow up as they should , those that complain obviously never had a childhood !!
Any anti British sentiment overseas will be ignored as it no longer matters to us!!
Now, isn't that a winner of a plan?
Your choice is the following
You must work harder because millions of unemployed,illegal immigrants and murderers rely on you every week!!
I know there is much I have left out but I would need a forum all to myself to get it all in.. sorry if its boring but its not racist and not anti foreignerits simply a start to mend the UK , I dont have anything against anyone or any colour if they work hard and respect others around them .