[i[uResults Round 24
[/u[/iHuddersfield by 26
Wakefield by 8
Leeds by 6
St Helens by 26
Wigan by 46
Salford by 32
Lots of 6/6 efforts this week, but only one 5-pointer
honourable mention to
=#FF0000burtonsrlfc who tipped Wigan by 52, if only Toulouse hadn't scored
outstanding week for our
=#FF0000[i new leader[/i: 6/6, 5-pointer and top scorer [size=150
=#FF0000chissitt [/size
[i[uTable After Round 24
[/u[/i1 chissitt 16 262
2 adelaide-giant.no9 12 260
3 burtonsrlfc 13 244
# dboy 12 244
5 basher11 13 240
6 sandcat20 14 238
7 wrencat1873 15 237
8 BarnsleyGull 12 227
# Mable_Syrup 13 227
10 coco the fullback 12 221
11 Wakeywakeywakey 14 219
12 acko 0 202
13 KevW60349 0 182
Bank holiday weekend up next, so short turnaround. Feel free to predict all at once or one round at a time:
[i[uFixtures Round 25
[/u[/iWed Leeds V Huddersfield
Thu Wakefield V Hull KR
Thu Salford V Hull FC
Thu Warrington V Castleford
Thu Toulouse V Catalans
Fri Wigan V St Helens
=#FF0000Deadline: [size=150[iWednesday [/i[/size8pm
[i[uFixtures Round 26
[/u[/iSun Hull FC V Toulouse
Mon Huddersfield V Warrington
Mon Hull KR V Wigan
Mon St Helens V Wakefield
Mon Castleford V Salford
Mon Catalans V Leeds
=#FF0000Deadline: Sunday 3pm
Good Luck