Quote "My arm struck his head and smashed," he recalled, in his matter-of-fact way. "It went numb and I knew it was broken. I thought to myself 'You can't go off. This Test match has got to be won.'" There were, of course, no substitutes in those days. '"
Quote Karalius was another matter, unable to get off his bench because his back had seized up. "Without him on the field the position was the same as with the captain - certain defeat," wrote Mitchell, who managed to prise him to his feet, straighten him up and push him down the tunnel. "How he stood up to the first 10 minutes I will never know." Within those 10 minutes, though, Karalius had taken Murphy's pass, beaten both Australian half-backs and set up "Gentleman" Johnny Whiteley to send Ike Southward away. '"