I voted no.
For the last 10 years or so, we have had an 'unwritten franchise' type system. It consisted of 10 SL clubs, and interspersed with any 1/2 of Cas, Salford and Widnes, with Leigh/Fax making a daring incursion.
If the gap, salarywise and playingwise, was not that huge between the leagues, then fair enough, but the team going down, say, this year, would most likely be the team going up next, replacing the team that went up the year before, etc. etc. (Hull KR have cash, and support, millions of them
However, the amnesty, as has been said, is not being used properly, or effectively, IMO.
SL clubs are still bringing near end of career Aussies over, at the expense of our young 'uns. Of course we all want to make the top 8, and high enough to get a home game, but the overseas quotas rules are strange and inadequate.
True the excitement of PR is unmatch(bear)able.
However, used correctly, no PR, for a few years anyway, I think is right the way we are ATM.
If it were to come back, I would suggest a play off series, of say top 2 NL, and bottom 2 SL teams, so generating a bit of cash for the teams going down and up, and an indication of how good/bad each other is.