Sporting Chance has announced that its chosen charity will be The Jamie Adamson Memorial Fund. The young people of Sporting Chance will raise funds for the J.A.M Fund by devising and taking part in fundraising activities.
Sporting Chance is a tailor-made programme designed to address some of the serious social issues facing young people in Keighley and District. Sporting Chance aims to do this by engaging the young people of Keighley in a range of activities such as education and sport in a safe environment away from the drugs and crime that take place on some of the estates in Keighley.
On hearing the story of Jamie Adamson the young people involved with the Sporting Chance project decided to link with the JAM Fund. The young people also wanted to help a charity which has strong links to their home town.
The Jamie Adamson Memorial Fund (JAM FUND) was established in March 2005 by Paul Adamson, his wife Nicola, and the editor of The Barry and District News - Shira Valek. The JAM Fund was setup to help children throughout the UK with cancer and any other serious illness.
Sporting Chance shares a special relationship with the JAM Fund thanks to Jamie's Granddad Gary Wilks who is treasurer of the JAM fund and he organises fund raising events in West Yorkshire for the charity. Gary is company director of British Thornton ESF Ltd which is a big fund supporter based in Keighley as is R Mcdowell Transport. Gary often comes down to Cougar Park and drops in on Sporting Chance when they are down at the club.
Sporting Chance Youth Project Worker Jonny Presley (Keighley Cougars Half-Back) said "The young people of sporting chance should feel really proud of themselves for contributing to such a worthwhile cause."
The young people's latest idea is a sponsored bike ride which will see them cycle around 16 miles from Bradford to Keighley finishing at Cougar Park.
JAM Fund's registered charity number is 1115913 and the website is
For more information on Keighley Cougars please contact either Helen Carter 07538472821 or or Hannah Molloy 07973354248 or )on Tel: 01535 606044. Fax: 01535 609088. Web: