Quote ="jinkin jimmy"Just a few question...
Why would you have to wait so long? Is Riddell's only target to be better than MH? Can you hand on heart say he has so far been even satisfactory in his total contribution?
For me I have always said he is little more than a journeyman at this stage given that he could only get 20 mins at hooker for Para in his last season. Having said that, I expected better from him than has been evident thus far.
Did I think we needed to replace Mickey? Reluctantly, the answer is yes. He is a great bloke and tries 100% but we needed more.
Am I happy with Riddell in terms of performance and fitness? Most definitely not.'"
Maybe a wrong choice of words there!
Here goes.
If Piggy is under performing like Higham was under performing after a period of "Settling in" time (I would say give him 1/2 season??) then I would say he may have been the wrong choice.
The reason i mentioned 2 1/2 seasons is that is what it took Higham to bring some kind of Variety to his play in the Opponents Half and actually started to Boss the team around in his last 10 games or so.
Do I believe that Piggy Will be a Better hooker over the 3 years of his contract than Higham, Definately so!
Do I believe he is going to be the Best Hooker in SL over that time, probably Not!
Luckily for me I am not a Black & White kind of guy and can see that there are variations and grey areas to arguments!
What if Piggy played with better forwards than Higham or Vice Versa?
What if the Opposition teams he played against were better or worse than Higham or Vice Versa?
At the end of the day I have seen improvements week on week in Piggy and do believe that he will be a Good Aquisition.
The reason I mentioned Higham is because of the Mickey one dimensional one scoot fan club that constantly bring up the argument!
Me personally he's gone and won't be a great Loss, if we could have kept him as a back up/Bench 9 with a salary to reflect that then No probs!
He went to Wire to get starting games and can't do it there!
Yet people seem to think if he came back he would have improved us this season! Not a Chance!