Don't post very often, but thought that I'd get a few things of my chest after another miserable performance.
Something has to change and that either needs to be the manager or the recruitment of a defensive coach. However having watched quins(broncos) for the last ten years I'm not sure that will make much of a difference. We just don't seem to have enough big and aggessive players who can defend and just as importantly give us go forward.
I can't complain about the service that the likes of Tamata and Ward have given us and Ollie seems to be carrying the pack on his own, but both Ward and Tamata are lets be honest past it and have both suffered bad injuries over the past few seasons.
Our backs are basically lightweight and our halves(if they were good enough) don't have a platform as the forwards don't punch holes in the oposition defense.
I see Randall has moved back to hooker in the last two games, but I don't think that this will make much of difference as he is not even half the player he was when he first joined us, injuries have put his best years behind him. I have made a point of watching Randall in the last couple of home games and he seems to be blowing hard all game long as if his fitness and body have given up on him.
I'm not sure that when Purdham comes back he will make much of difference as he seems to have gone the same way as Randall.
Finally, on another depressing note our average 'against' record in the last ten league games starting back at Warrington is 44 !!!!! Our average 'against' from the first 5 games is 16 !!!!!! Was it the beating tha Warrington gave us that lost the management/players the faith in the defensive system we had adopted or was it just that the other teams were yet to get going ?????
I can't see us winning another game this season if we have to score 40 plus points a game to have a chance !!!
Rant over.