Quote ="Giantscorpio"Support for the Labour party on this forum really surprises me. They are a government who have done some good things and bad things. It is ok to spend money if you have got it, not if you are borrowing all the time to subsidise pet policies. They were a government who racked up more debt than any government since the second world war, and are incapable of balancing their books. The Labour party will be thankfull they lost the election, as it is up to the Conservatives now to try and rectify years of Labour incompetence. They will have to take some very unpopular actions but these need to be done for the sake of the country.'"
I will let Shogun reminisce about life under Thatcher and how great it was, me i will just remember that many people still have not got over the legacy that was left from her ideology.
Such as the destruction of British heavy industry rather than the restructuring of industry. the privatise everything for the investment capitalists to sell off the profitable bits at a profit and close everything else, the institutionalisation of poverty and the welfare state in former mining, steel and shipbuilding areas
The setting up of the British economy based on the service industry, false housing booms and credit and the legacy that left us with. the abolishment of metropolitan councils ( becuase they were LABOUR)which allowed things like bus and train services to be regulated and organised Yorkshire wide ( lets just privatise it and run transport for those who can pay and keep the profitable bits open we dod not need buses in villages for old people ( the net result we all have to have cars).
Privatise the gas , electric etc industry all for ideological reasons not in the interests of consumers so that we now have the highest energy prices in Europe. Never mind Shogun at least when you are ripped off with your gas bill you can say but i am part of the share owning democracy as you cuddle up to your £600 worth of shares.
The problem is that Cameron and Osbourne are the same as Thatcher. the same ideological approach. Yes they will save the Bristish economy by concentarting cuts on those who can least afford it, the Poor, the sick, the unemployed, children, the private sector whilst protecting the rich, the bankers, the city, those who have millions and want to keep it by passing it on to their rick kids ( we would not want Osbourne having to pay inheritance tax when he gets daddies £20m mansion). Lets sell Lloyds TSB back to the rich in the city now that WE have bailed it out and it is in profit , we dont want it to be owned by the state so we make money out of it becuase we have to bow down to great God of privatisation.
I have no time for the Labour party and despise what Brown has contributed to in the public sector particualrly managerialism and the culture of false targets and inspections. Nor do i hav etoo much time for the Lib Dems but at least the pain they inflict will be fairer and weill hit Osbournes and his rich mates as much as Mr and Mrs OAP.
What i do see is a chance for CONSTITUTIONAL reform which will allow Governement in this country to hav eto be based on CONSENSUS and Co-operation in the future. Where decisions are based on
=#FF0000What Works rather than what ideology . A bit like Germany where Education, Health, Industry are not political footballs which restructure every 5 to 10 years when a new Government is elected.
Proportional representation, fixed term parliaments, reform of the house of Lords, a Bill of rights etc. that could be the lasting legacy of this election. Something that would mean we would never have a Majority Tory government ever again. That would be a legacy i would like to leave to my kids.