about as funny as stick Ive taken on another forum questioning refs "neutrality"
..............but I promise to be more sympathetic to the hard work they put in !!
Watched most of the sky games last weekend with a
neutral viewpoint (as we`re bottom anyway) and feel really sorry for them(refs/linesmen) Might feel moreso if they reffed from a similar angle !!
I sometimes feel you could almost predict who will get the points after about 20mins
...........or is it only me feels they affect results week in week out and the standard isnt appropriate for a professional sport?
Perhaps so!
By the way - dont think video works when not at all games - thats inconsistent too!!
We are told it does when you can "slow the frame second by second " and then hear a commentator say it that its"better viewed in real time "
Whichever fits the script !!