The OSV is a massive project which can now only be run on private investment but it is still very much on the cards.
We aim to have shirts for 2012 available ASAP and are liaising with our suppliers on a daily basis. When the delivery date is confirmed, we will get it straight on our website.
Sales of membership are going well at the minute and I would be pretty confident in saying we should reach a similar number as 2011, which would be just awesome.
I would be given the sack if I discussed individual contract negotiations on here! The long term aim is always to maintain the best squad. Read into this what you will but all team news is put straight onto the bulls website/facebook/twitter the very second we can announce. This goes for any other signings/contract extentions.
I am DEFINATELY going to pass on r.e. fireworks - basically, it comes down to budget but I would love to have fireworks at each game.
YouTube is another area of particular interest for me personally as I was the person who has setup and implimented what we currently have. The idea was always to expand on the basics that we are currently doing so simply put, yes this will continue and hopefully grow. Any ideas for content are welcome (subject to budget/resources etc) - skill tips from players & coaches and community videos have already been put into the pot of ideas.
This has again been made more accessable with our new found ability to embed the videos to our official website (as per the Pledge MMXII video).
I have no way of proving my credentials on here but, as a previous poster said, if I was an imposter, why would I choose the subject of TeamCard points? ON THAT SUBJECT, please go online to the TeamCard website and see the different ways you can earn points through online shopping.
You can get discount on merchandise and tickets; The club is provided another source of revenue which we can invest. IT'S A WIN/WIN SITUATION!
Hull KR also use TeamCard and it really works well for both the club and the fans. There is one guy who earns enough points through buying and selling on eBay that he gets 8 FREE season tickets and the club still gets the money for them from eBay.
Thanks for your time in reading such a long post