Couple of observations.....
Defences go completely awol from time to time leaving a huge hole in the defensive line - granted, this does happen in reality, but not quite on the scale I've seen so far a couple of times on this game
There seems to be a limit as to how far a player can run before eventually slowing down to a standstill, even if it's your fastest player 5 minutes into a game with a 10-15 yard gap between him and any chasers!
Quite often, if the ball goes into the in goal area from the kick off, the player fielding it will inexplicably throw an american football style pass 10 yards directly forward to a teammate! Further more, whenever a forward pass is given, there's an immediate chant of what appears to be "bullsh[ii[/it" from the crowd
Quite an enjoyable game though nonetheless! Anyone else notice any other bizarre occurrences?