so , why not put in a claim for a washing line ? Then you could claim for the pink clothes to hang on it . and the washing machine , soap powder , biscuits to nibble while you watch the cleaner you share with your brother do the washing , home entertainment system so you got music , a gardener to tidy around the washing line posts , a comfy massage chair to sit in while you watch him tipping hundreds of bags of manure on the garden . Tell him to be careful not to tip any in the moat/helipad/tennis court/swimming pool . Oops , almost forgot to mention that you will need to claim for a wheelbarrow/rake/shovel etc for him.. i could go on , but I think you getting the picture
By the way . Before you say you don't have a garden . Get a claim in for one of those too . May as well have yourself a mock-tudor mansion complete with a new portico in the garden while you are at it . Oooh , and you must get all that nasty wisteria removed , it looks horrible .