Barry Gardiner, only 3 days ago, published a letter to his constituents in which he went full angry lefty, criticising Dominic Cummings, condemning everyone this way and that, telling them how sickened he was and that "I dislike Mr Cummings politics, I deprecate his behaviour, I think his excuses are flimsy and unsubstantiated and I share the widespread outrage at the Prime Minister’s support for this man’s actions". A bitter attack over lockdown and social distancing.
Barry Gardiner yesterday, went maximum hypocrite and joined a BLM march in which police officers were attacked and property vandalised, proudly tweeting at how he was [url= social distancing rules.[/url
Barry Gardiner has since [url= the letter to his constituents.[/url It can only be found in [url='s search cache.[/url
I've been looking for the left screaming for him to resign but I must have missed it.